Thursday, January 7, 2010

Choosing the right Guitar Lessons

Firstly, you have to understand that you will need to decide what "type" of guitar lessons program is best for you.
Basically you have a few choices - private guitar lessons, home study guitar lessons and online guitar lessons.

Private Guitar Lessons
This is a fantastic way to go, if you can afford it. Like any program, not all instructors are created equal. You will be making a considerable investment in private lessons so don't hesitate to "interview" a number of instructors before making a decision.

Home Study Courses
These usually include DVDs such as Fender Presents: Getting Started on Electric Guitar -- A Guide for Beginners as well as CDs and books.

Again there are a number of good courses on the market including You Can Play Guitar: A Complete Course for the Beginner. Taught by Happy Traum, although less expensive than private lessons, some of such courses can be costly yet affordable.

Online Guitar Lessons
This is the most economical solution, but care should be taken when shopping. Like any other course, determine what generation the material taught is focused on.

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