Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Summer Retreat

This invitation is extended to all members of the Manzini community to attend a 2 week retreat to be held at Malolodja in October.

The exact day and time are yet to be confirmed.

For other important details you may contact the organiser on the following address:

Sunday, July 13, 2008


You are all cordially invited to a one day workshop to be held in Mobeni on Saturday 19/07/08 starting 14 hours.

We have local and guest speakers to share their ideas on various aspects of alternative remedies in Swaziland.

All are invited to come and participate fully.

Sunday, June 29, 2008


We would like to invite you to share your thoughts with us on maintaining a sound physical health without excessive use of supplements in your diet.

We are strongly advocating for use of natural methods in an effort to deal with problems that are associated with old age and poor feeding habits.

Our resource base has a few natural products which could be of interest to you.

You may contact us at the following addresses for more clarification:

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Alternative and Natural Remedies

There are several herbal remedies available for your day -to - day living.
These are mainly locally produced from wild herbs (of Swaziland) and other alternative sources.
For more information on the variety of remedies available and their usage, you may contact us on:
+268 641 4476.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Physical Health

Call on the Xinx gymnasium for your health and physical wellbeing. We are situated in Manzini town's Ngwane park area.

We are open in the mornings at 5.00hrs of each week day.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Educational Resources

We provide upgrading facilities for IGCSE candidates who wish to improve their grades.
This includes both full time and part-time candidates based in Swaziland and other countries within the Southern African region.

We conduct tutorials for anybody regardless of their age and experience.

Study materials and aids are available from a wide range off publishers, i.e.
  • Text books
  • Modules
  • Past examination papers.
You may contact us at any time during the week and on weekends

We are located at Lugaganeni in Manzini, Swaziland.

Our contact is +268 641 4476

You are welcome to my site